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How to Make DIY Vegan Ice Cream with Coconut Milk

If you follow any sort of plant-based diet, you’ve likely tried vegan ice cream made with coconut milk. There’s a reason why coconut milk has become such a popular choice for these dairy-free delights, from its health benefits to its creamy consistency that mimics traditional dairy ice cream, there's plenty to love about coconut milk. Check out the following ice cream recipes for DIY vegan ice cream that features coconut milk, and furthermore, provides some insight on how to customize your homemade flavor even more to your liking.

Table of Contents:

  • The Rise of Vegan Ice Cream
  • Why Choose Coconut Milk for Vegan Ice Cream?
  • Making Your Own Vegan Ice Cream at Home
    • How to Make Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream with Coconut Milk
    • How to Make Vegan Banana Ice Cream with Coconut Milk
  • How to Make Homemade Coconut Milk Ice Cream Without an Ice Cream Machine
  • The Future of Vegan Ice Creams
  • FAQs in Relation to Vegan Ice Cream Coconut Milk
  • Conclusion


The Rise of Vegan Ice Cream

As the world becomes more conscious about its dietary choices, vegan ice creams are gaining popularity. As more individuals opt to omit animal products from their eating habits for health or moral reasons, the dairy industry is seeing a decline in demand.

A report by Grand View Research predicts significant growth in the global dairy-free ice cream market between 2023 and 2025. This surge can be attributed to an increasing awareness about lactose intolerance and a rising preference for plant-based diets among consumers worldwide.

Statistics show that in the U.S., dairy farming has seen a decrease as people shift to plant-based alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, cashew milk, and coconut milk. dairy farming as more individuals switch to alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, cashew milk, and coconut milk - all excellent base ingredients for making vegan ice creams at home with your trusty ice cream maker.

But it's not just about personal health benefits; choosing vegan over traditional dairy products also contributes significantly towards reducing one's carbon footprint. A study published in Science found that if everyone stopped eating these foods globally, we could reduce individual food-related carbon footprints by up to 73%.

  • Vegan Products: These don't have any animal-derived ingredients, making them suitable for vegans and those with allergies or intolerances to certain animal proteins.
  • Dairy Ice Cream: Traditional ice cream is full of saturated fat and sugar. It's deliciously creamy but may pose health risks when consumed excessively.
  • Vegan Ice Creams: These offer similar taste profiles without any animal products. Whether you're using coconut cream or maple syrup as sweeteners, there's plenty of variety to explore.

Making your own homemade vegan ice creams allows you full control over what goes into your dessert. Plus, they're fun to make if you've got an efficient ice cream-making machine handy at home—or even if you just have a blender!


Why Choose Coconut Milk for Vegan Ice Cream?

Two halves of a coconut next to each other

Dairy-free ice creams are all the rage, offering a tasty alternative to dairy-based desserts. And when it comes to making these vegan delights, coconut milk takes the plant-based cake. But why coconut milk? What makes coconut milk stand out from other plant-based milks?

The secret lies in its higher fat content. Creamy ice cream usually gets its richness from high-fat dairy products. So, when creating vegan versions, we need an ingredient that can mimic that texture without using animal products. Enter: coconut milk. With its rich consistency and relatively high-fat content, it's like nature's gift to creamy desserts.

Health Benefits of Coconut Milk

But the love of coconut milk isn't just about taste and texture. It also brings some health benefits to the table. Surprisingly, despite its creamy sweetness, coconut milk has a low sugar content.

  • This makes it a great choice for those watching their sugar intake or dealing with conditions like diabetes.
  • Unlike many store-bought dairy-free alternatives loaded with added sugars or artificial sweeteners, homemade vegan ice cream made with natural ingredients like coconut cream offers a healthier option.

And let's not forget about the fats. The saturated fats in coconuts are different from those in animal sources. MCTs, which are metabolized differently by the body than other fats, may offer potential health benefits.

  • Lastly, for those with lactose intolerance, coconut-based options provide a chance to enjoy this classic dessert without discomfort or adverse reactions.

All of this said, with such high levels of saturated fats, you may want to enjoy coconut milk in moderation. Consult your doctor or registered dietician for more information.


Making Your Own Vegan Ice Cream at Home

Vegan ice cream with cheerio toppings

Creating your own vegan ice cream can be a delightful experience, especially when it's done right. Whether you're using an ice cream machine or going old-school with no machine at all (and it CAN be done with just a blender), dairy-free homemade ice creams are a treat worth trying.

How to Make Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream with Coconut Milk

The base ingredient for this recipe is coconut milk due to its higher fat content that mimics the richness of dairy ice cream. Here's how you can make your own batch of homemade ice cream:

  1. In a blender, combine two cans of coconut milk with cocoa powder and maple syrup in desired amounts.
  2. Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions. If you’d like to add other mix-ins like chocolate chips, sprinkles, vegan cookie dough bites, etc., add them here.
  3. Pour the blend into a container that can be frozen, and freeze for around four hours. Stir your ice cream base every hour until it reaches the desired consistency.
  4. Your homemade vegan chocolate ice cream made from coconut milk should be eaten within two weeks for the best flavor and texture.
How to Make Vegan Banana Ice Cream with Coconut Milk

If you want to mix things up, or you’re just not the fondest of coconut flavor (though the texture is still appealing), banana is a great flavoring for your dairy-free ice cream. This recipe is perfect if you prefer fruit-flavored desserts or need something suitable for dietary restrictions. It uses ripe bananas as one of its main ingredients along with our star player - coconut milk.

  1. In a blender, mix together three ripe bananas (the riper they are - the better), one can full-fat coconut milk, and ¼ cup maple syrup (optional).
  2. Pour the blend into a machine for making ice cream and follow the instructions as previously mentioned. If you're not using an appliance, then pour it into a freezer-safe dish and stir occasionally while freezing.
  3. This banana delight also needs consumption within two weeks after preparation.

A few things worth noting: Making vegan ice creams at home allows control over the sugar content, which might otherwise be high in store-bought versions. Plus, these recipes use natural sweeteners like maple syrup instead of refined sugars. The only downside? Homemade versions may melt faster than their commercial counterparts because they lack stabilizers found in many processed foods, but hey. That just means more reason to enjoy them sooner rather than later.


How to Make Homemade Coconut Milk Ice Cream without an Ice Cream Machine

A good, non-dairy ice cream mix is a great way to simplify the ice cream-making process. Plus, it’ll cut down your prep time (and need for an ice cream maker). Some mixes, like Hijinx-V, are vegan, contain a few simple ingredients, and will turn your favorite ingredients into ice cream with just a blender. Here’s how to make a dairy-free coconut ice cream using what you already have at home.

Ingredients for Ice Cream with Hijinx-V

  1. 1 packet Hijinx-V
  2. 1.5 cups full-fat coconut milk (or even water if desired)
  3. 1 tspn vanilla extract (for a vanilla ice cream)*

*For chocolate ice cream, you can add vegan, dark chocolate fudge or cocoa powder. For peanut butter ice cream, add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. For less coconut flavor, add more of your desired flavoring ingredients.


  1. Using a blender, combine one packet of HIJINX-V ice cream powder with the coconut milk, and desired flavoring ingredients. Blend for one minute or until thoroughly combined. For a creamier texture, use a hand mixer with the whisk attachment and whisk for 2mins.
  2. If you have any crunchy add-ins that shouldn’t be blended, you can stir them in now!
  3. Transfer to a freezer-safe, airtight container. This will help to preserve freshness and avoid ice crystals.
  4. Freeze for 3-6 hours. Make sure to thaw your ice cream for a few minutes before serving so it’s extra scoopable. Top with optional toppings like dark chocolate chips or vegan fudge. Enjoy!


Exploring Store-Bought Vegan Ice Creams

Store-bought vegan ice creams are a quick and delicious treat when you don't feel like making your own. They come in a variety of flavors, from classic vanilla to adventurous options like matcha green tea or salted caramel.

Check out this youtube short by @Veganbodegacat - https://youtube.com/shorts/HasoeQMvxH0?feature=share

Store-bought vegan ice creams are a quick and delicious treat when you don't feel like making your own. They come in a variety of flavors, from classic vanilla to adventurous options like matcha green tea or salted caramel.

Decoding Labels on Store-Bought Vegan Ice Creams

Check the label for terms such as "dairy-free," "vegan," and, if necessary, "lactose-free" when selecting vegan ice creams. These treats don't contain any dairy or animal products. For those with lactose intolerance, seek out "lactose-free" selections.

  • Dairy-Free: No dairy products here.
  • Vegan: No animal products either.
  • Lactose-Free: Safe for lactose intolerant folks.

Pay attention to the ingredients too. Coconut milk is often used as a base ingredient for its creamy texture. Substitutes such as almond, soy, and cashew milks are gaining traction. Look for natural sweeteners like maple syrup and avoid artificial additives. Also, be aware that not all non-dairy ice creams are gluten-free by nature—so be sure to check labels for any other allergies.

But beware, not all vegan ice creams are healthy. Some brands load them up with added sugars, so check the nutritional information before going overboard.


The Future of Vegan Ice Creams

As the vegan movement gains momentum, so does the demand for plant-based alternatives to dairy products. The dairy-free ice cream market is set to explode between 2023 and 2025, according to Grand View Research.

Innovative Flavors

With coconut milk as a base, vegan ice cream makers are creating creamy textures that rival traditional dairy. Other plant-based milks such as almond, soy and cashew are being used to craft imaginative treats. Get ready for lavender-infused lemonade made with coconut cream or spicy ginger peanut butter swirl using almond milk. Even savory flavors like olive oil rosemary are making their way into vegan frozen desserts.

Eco-Friendly Packaging Options

Not only are vegan ice cream brands ditching animal products, but they're also adopting eco-friendly packaging. Say goodbye to plastic waste and hello to biodegradable containers made from plants or reusable glass jars. Enjoy your guilt-free dessert while helping the planet.

Tech Advancements & Personalization

Technology is shaping the future of vegan ice creams too. AI-powered algorithms could customize recipes based on individual preferences, like sugar or fat content. And thanks to high-tech manufacturing processes, non-dairy versions no longer take forever to melt. It's a win-win for taste and convenience.

The potential for vegan frozen desserts is promising, with creative tastes, sustainable packaging, and advanced tech. So go ahead, indulge your sweet tooth and contribute to the planet's health.


FAQs in Relation to Vegan Ice Cream Coconut Milk

Why use coconut milk in vegan ice cream?

Coconut milk is a popular choice for vegan ice cream recipes because of its creamy texture, higher fat content, and subtle flavor.

Is vegan coconut ice cream a healthy option?

Vegan coconut ice cream can be a healthier alternative to traditional dairy-based ice creams due to its lower sugar content and absence of animal products.

Can I use other dairy-free milks in my vegan ice cream?

Sure! Coconut milk tends to provide the creamiest result due to its high fat content. However, fatty alternatives, like oat milk or pea milk, are also great options. You can certainly use almond milk, soy milk, etc., but their lower fat content may result in icier ice cream.

What are some facts about vegan ice cream?
  • Vegan ice cream is made without any animal-derived ingredients, including dairy products like cow's milk.
  • The base ingredients for vegan ice cream often include almond milk, soy milk, cashew milk, or coconut milk.
  • The dairy-free ice cream market, including vegan options, is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years.
Which is better for ice cream, coconut milk or coconut cream?

Both coconut milk and coconut cream work well in ice cream, but using coconut cream can result in a richer texture due to its higher fat content.



Vegan ice cream made with coconut milk is a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional dairy ice creams. Coconut milk can be an advantageous selection for individuals looking to enjoy a creamy and satisfying snack without animal products, due its low sugar content and considerable levels of saturated fat. If you’re not a fan of coconut flavor, you can always add mix-ins that cover the flavor a bit more.

The most effective way to ensure your homemade dairy-free ice cream meets your dietary requirements is to make it yourself! Hijinx-V (and other vegan ice cream mixes) make it simple to create custom, plant-based ice cream without even using an ice cream maker. No-churn vegan ice cream can be life-changing as far as expanding your dairy-free ice cream options. Enjoy!



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