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Taco Tuesday

A group activity

Difficulty Gauge Icon 1143713 Difficulty level: Medium

Take a dip taco Tuesday! Create unique dips and sides out of ice cream!


Have an unorthodox taco Tuesday by creating guac & salsa alternatives with ice cream. Cook up some tacos and see who can create the most dippable concoction! (Ex. guacamole ice cream, chipotle honey, tangy artichoke, etc.)


1. Roasted Tomato Ketchup

  • HIJINX ice cream mix
  • 1 ½ cups whole milk
  • 1 ½ tablespoons tomato paste

1. Warm the milk over medium heat or microwave for 30 - 60 seconds (do not boil).

2. Using a blender, combine 1 packet of HIJINX ice cream mix with milk and tomato. Blend for one minute or until thoroughly combined.

3. Transfer to a freezer-safe container with an airtight lid.

4. Let the mixture rest for 30 minutes on your counter.

5. Freeze for 3-6 hours. Enjoy!

CLICK HERE to read our best practices so your ice cream is the best!  


2. Mint Jelly

  • HIJINX ice cream mix
  • 10-15 mint leaves
  • 1 ½ cups of whole milk.     

1. Warm the milk over medium heat or microwave for 30 - 60 seconds (do not boil).

2. Using a blender, combine 1 packet of HIJINX ice cream mix with milk and mint leaves. Blend for one minute or until thoroughly combined.

3. Transfer to a freezer-safe container with an airtight lid.

4. Let the mixture rest for 30 minutes on your counter.

5. Freeze for 3-6 hours. Enjoy!

CLICK HERE to read our best practices so your ice cream is the best!  







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